Friday, October 23, 2015

Programming ANDROID, JAVA, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, C and C++ in Android with terminal IDE

The introduction of smartphone has revolutionized everything, with every passing day people are relying more and more on apps to organize their lives. The advantage to this is that there is diverse applications that will cater for your every need and if not the case, your needs can be catered with little customization. The other benefit of smartphones is their ability to back-up all you documents, setting, contacts, and application via cloud. Unlike earlier days when losing a phone meant starting from scratch searching for contacts, and downloading application, nowadays, it is much simpler. If you accidentally lose your phone, in case of an Android phone, all your data will be restored as per your original phone thanks to dynamic cloud storage.
I favor android over all the other phone operating systems. The main reason being that Android is open source unlike its counterpart windows and Apple iPhone and iPad operating systems. You can download the source code, tweak it to your preference, and have your personal customized Android OS. There is also the ability get the latest Android release by building Android from source (“The Android Source Code”, 2015).
Since Android is a fully featured OS, it would be incomplete without the inclusion of developer tools. Google app store has hundreds of integrated developing environment (IDE) applications. Most of these apps are for purchase, but also come with free versions that have limited capabilities. For example, most of the free developer apps do not provide the save feature, or do not provide code highlighting features. If one needs these features enabled, they must pay a certain fee.  

Terminal IDE is an IDE that runs on terminal. Spartacus Rex develops it and according to their website; Terminal IDE is a fully featured java and android development environment. According to Chris Duckett 2012, Terminal IDE is a developer version of the Swiss army knife. As a developing environment, you will notice that Terminal IDE surpasses you normal IDE. It comes integrated with fully collection set of different language support. You can create website in HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT and test it directly with your phone browser. Also you can develop java, Android and C application with minimal difficulties. Terminal IDE also partly supports C++, but your code is unlikely to break apart from large projects.
The downside to Terminal IDE is that it lacks advanced features that one would expect in a normal IDE. Functionality like code highlighting, auto completion, and intelisense features are not included. The IDE runs on terminal, code writing is done by VIM editor, a Linux based editor. Terminal IDE is not designed for people new to programming. Beginners can find the app a little challenging; though Terminal IDE Help section will get you going.

Terminal IDE comes with command line tools like nano, vim, gcc, javac among others for development. Nano and vim are for editing source code while gcc and javac are for compiling written source code.
Terminal IDE can both be used offline and online thanks to Git, a version control system. The integration of Git in your projects will enable you to download, share, create, branch, and destroy repositories, locally or online over GitHub. 
Terminal IDE comes with its own full keyboard, optimized for programming. The keyboard is accessed by going to android phone setting, language and input under keyboard and input methods. The option of adding external keyboard using Bluetooth is also possible. 

Terminal IDE runs on user instance, since each Android application gets its own group and user id. This may result in some restrictions and limitations (“GarageLab, 2013).

The Android Source Code. (2015, October 23). Retrieved from
Duckett, C. (2012). Programming for Android on Android. Retrieved from
GarageLab. (2013). Development Environment for Android. Retrieved from

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